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CintelCore AMS

We offer a smooth and effective method for companies and organizations to control the flow of visitors into their facilities. This solution automates
the visitor registration procedure, streamlines check-ins, and strengthens security measures thanks to cutting-edge technologies and user-friendly interfaces.

Organizations may maintain a safe environment, enhance the visitor experience. Visitor management solutions provide a complete approach that
streamlines operations, boosts security, and promotes a welcoming and professional environment for all visitors in commercial buildings as well as residential courts.

Why You Need CintelCore AMS

Real time tracking capabilities provide valuable insights for optimizing resources allocation and building operations, while also allowing for quick identification and location of visitors during emergencies. The system ensures with regulatory requirements through accurate record-keeping and reporting. Moreover, it enhances the professional image of the building, creating a positive experience through modernized check-in process.

Benefits of CintelCore AMS

It Strengthens Your Brand

CintelCore AMS provides a method to enhance your
branding from the minute a visitor walks into your lobby. CintelCore AMS will only display the name and logo of your building.

Modern Reception

A comprehensive visitor management system is not only more convenient and simpler to use, but it is also more efficient and effective in the long run.

Impress Your Visitors

No matter the size of the building/office block, our product can help you make a professional, lasting first impression on everyone who visits your premises.

Reduced Admin & Overhead Expenses

By streamlining your visitor management process, you can redirect your resources and people to higher-value tasks, saving money and increasing productivity while ensuring consistent customer care.

Improved On-Site Transparency

Organizations can produce insights that can be used
internally and externally by using automated third-party interaction records as well as check-in data.

Improved Data Security

Our software ensures that critical company
information stays discreet and secure by keeping
visitor information private and confidential.

CintelCore AMS Key Features

Visitors check themselves in, reducing waiting time, reducing admin cost and streamlining entry.

The visitor’s face is captured and matched with their credentials to ensure they are who they say they are.

Capture and record visitor movements, including office visited and time spent. Get real time analytics to better manage the visitors flow.

Flexible configuration options to match specific organizational requirements and visitor policies.

Comprehensive reporting on visitor statistics, including visitor volume, peak hours, and visit duration.

Our system adheres to privacy regulations, safeguarding visitors data and your companies reputation.

Scalable architecture to accommodate growing visitor volumes and additional features.

Property management staff and visitors quickly adopt to the user-friendly interface.

How CintelCore AMS Works

STEP 1- Face Capture

A facial capture system automatically captures the visitors face and pairs that with the personal details.

STEP 2 - Input Personal Info

A visitor will provide their name, phone number and I.D number at this stage.

STEP 3 - Credential Verification

A visitor receives a One Time Password (OTP) to their mobile number.

STEP 4 - Select Floor

Visitor selects the floor they are visiting.

STEP 5 - Select Office

Visitor selects the office they are visiting (tenant).

STEP 6 - Welcome Message

Visitor receives a welcome message to

Why us

We help you address the safety and security of your visitors and tenants by using the latest technology.

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